Active Health GameOn! @ Work Workout
It is important to do some form of stretches and also a mini-workout to improve the circulation and also get the muscles activating again.
These simple stretches and workout might only take 10-15 minutes. Doing these 2-3 times a day will help. Also, drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated as our bodies will wither and dry out like a plant without water.
These stretches are designed to target different parts of the body and especially the hip and back.
Hold each pose for 30 seconds to get maximum benefit from it. Do it for 2-3 times a day
Neck Stretch
Our necks get stiff from starting at the monitor for a long time. This stretch helps to relieve the stiffness.

Shoulder Rotations
Stiff shoulders are very common for people who sit down for long hours. Rolling the shoulders can help increase circulation into the joints, tendons and muscles.

Overhead Stretch
Sitting for long hours can put some pressure on the upper half of the body especially the muscles around the upper back. This will help relief the tension and also lengthen the muscles that are otherwise compressed.

Knee Hugs
Sitting for a long time can cause considerable strain on the buttocks and also hips. This stretch will help with lengthening the buttock muscles and also move at the hip joint.

Doing some form of light exercise through the working hours can help increase the circulation of blood and fluids around the body. In addition, it may also improve on concentration, mood, and refreshes your mind.
Multi-directional Step and Reach
This exercise builds strength in the muscles of the lower back and legs. Do it 60 seconds, 2- 3 sets a day.
Squat to Single Leg Balance
This movement improves balance and stability of the lower body.Do it 60 seconds, 3- 5 sets a day
Split Stance Lateral Sway
This exercise improves mobility of the hips. Do it 60 seconds, 3- 5 sets a day.
Prisoner March with Twist
This exercise improves muscular endurance of the lower limbs and trunk. Do it 60 seconds, 2- 3 sets a day.