

Note: Ensure you are well before you attempt these exercises. If you feel any discomfort, stop immediately and seek medical attention. Read and understand the Safety & Indemnity form before you proceed further. Remember, your health and safety are a priority!

Agility - Reactive Arrow Drill

Agility: Reactive Arrow Drill

  1. Place 2 cones/markers at the left and the right from the centre with 2m distance apart from the centre.
  2. Director should prompt the individual of the various directions randomly (up, down, left or right).
  3. Once prompted, swiftly perform the following actions accordingly:
    > UP – Jump
    > DOWN – Squat
    > LEFT – Side shuffle to the left
    > RIGHT – Side shuffle to the right
Agility - Y-Drill

Agility: Y-Drill

  1.  Start at a cone 9m away from a person who will act as the director.
  2. Run toward the director and change direction based on the direction in which the director points.
  3. The director should point left or right when the athlete reaches the halfway mark (4.5 m) in relation to where the director is standing (mark this with another cone for the director to refer to).
  4. As you approach the director, change direction as soon as possible, accelerating to one of the two cones that are placed at an angle of 45 degrees and 2.7 m to the left and right of the stimulus.
Agility - Z-Drill

Agility: Z-Drill

  1. Begin the exercise by starting at the first cone with a lowered centre of mass and a stance wider than shoulder-width.
  2. Side shuffle to the next cone while keeping the body low.
  3. Nearer to the next cone, rapidly transition into a sprint toward the cone located on the diagonal.
  4. Approaching this cone, decelerate and transition into another shuffle (as with the second step).
*Cones can be placed approximately 5m apart
Balance - Calf Raises

Balance: Calf Raises

  1. Start with both feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lift heels off the ground quickly, performing a "tip-toe" movement.
  3. Ensure that ankles do not "roll outwards" at the top of the movement.
  4. Lower heels slowly back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat movement.
Balance - Single Leg Balance

Balance: Single Leg Balance

  1. Stand upright with your feet together.
  2. Remain safe while performing the test; have a stable object like a chair nearby so you can grab it if you start to feel unsteady.
  3. Lift one foot off the ground. Do not allow your legs to touch (this may give you extra stability).
  4. Watch a clock to see how many seconds you are able to stand on one foot and record this number.
  5. If you are able to stand on one foot for 60 seconds or greater, try the single-leg stance test while standing on a soft surface like a pillow.
Balance - Heel-to-Toe Walk

Balance: Heel-to-Toe Walk

  1. Begin with good upright posture, lengthening through the spine.
  2. Extend your arms out to your side and start walking on your heels in a relatively straight line.
  3. As you progress you can cross your hands over your chest. This arm position adds more of a balance challenge to the heel walk exercise.
  4. Keep your eyes on the horizon. Use your peripheral vision to observe the floor and the space around you. This skill helps you walk without looking down.
Cardiovascular Endurance - High Knees

Cardiovascular Endurance: High Knees

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lift up your left knee to your chest.
  3. Switch to lift right knee to chest.
  4. Continue movement, alternating legs and moving at a sprinting or running pace.
Cardiovascular Endurance - Jumping Jacks

Cardiovascular Endurance: Jumping Jacks

  1. Stand straight with both feet together, place straight arms at the sides.
  2. Jump up and bring your legs out shoulder-width apart and raise both arms to shoulder height.
  3. Jump back to original position.
  4. Jump out to shoulder width again, this time with arms raised above head.
  5. Jump back to original position.
  6. Repeat.
Cardiovascular Endurance - Burpees

Cardiovascular Endurance: Burpees

  1. Stand with both feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended to the sides, parallel to the ground.
  2. Lower body slowly into a deep squat.
  3. Enter a push-up position by straightening legs.
  4. Tuck legs back towards chest and stand up.
  5. Repeat.
Flexibility - Hamstring Stretches

Flexibility: Hamstring Stretches

  1. Sit with one leg extended and your back straight.
  2. Bend your other leg so that the sole of your foot rests against your midthigh.
  3. Reach toward your ankle until you feel a slight stretch and hold the position for 15-30 seconds, while keeping your knee, neck, and back straight.
  4. Release the stretch and repeat a few more times.
Flexibility - Butterfly Stretches

Flexibility: Butterfly Stretches

  1. Sit down on the floor or ground with your legs in front of you.
  2. Grab both your feet and gently lean forward until you feel a slight tension in your groin area.
  3. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.
  4. Release the stretch and repeat for a
    few more times.
Flexibility - Figure of 4

Flexibility: Figure of 4

  1. Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Cross your right ankle over your left knee and keep your right foot flexed.
  3. Bring your left knee toward your chest.
  4. Reach your right hand through your legs and interlace your fingers just below the crease of your left knee.
  5. Using your arms, pull your left knee toward your chest, pausing when you feel a stretch in your right glute and hip.
  6. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds before changing to the other side.
Bentover Row

Handgrip Strength: Bent-over Row

1. Stand feet hip-width apart and hold onto two dumbbells, one in each hand.
2. Keeping your back straight, bend your knees slightly and bow forward at your hip with arms hanging down naturally.
3. Drive your elbows towards your hip and pull your shoulder blades back. Squeeze your back muscles and hold for a second.
4. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the start position.
5. Repeat.
Farmers Carry

Handgrip Strength: Farmer's Carry

1. Stand upright, hold onto a dumbbell in one hand and place it by the side of your body.
2. Maintaining an upright posture, walk slowly for about 10m.
3. Repeat with dumbbell on the other hand, covering the same distance.

Reverse Bicep Curl

Handgrip Strength: Reverse Biceps Curl

1. Stand tall and hold onto two dumbbells.
2. With palms facing down and keeping elbows close to your body, bend your elbows to lift the dumbbells towards your shoulders.
3. Lower the dumbbells slowly back to start position.
4. Repeat.
Muscular Endurance - Plank Shoulder Taps

Muscular Endurance: Plank Shoulder Taps

  1. Start in a push-up position, with arms extended, wrists under shoulders, and feet hip-width apart.
  2. Ensure back and neck are in a straight line and core is tight.
  3. Bring one hand up to the opposite shoulder (e.g. right hand to touch left shoulder).
  4. Place that hand back on the floor.
  5. Repeat steps with other hand and place it back on the floor.
  6. Resist rotation of the body when executing the movement.
Muscular Endurance - Arm Circles

Muscular Endurance: Arm Circles

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms extended to the sides, parallel to the ground.
  2. Circle arm forward in a controlled motion and continue for 30 seconds.
  3. Change direction and repeat.
Muscular Endurance - Flutter Kicks

Muscular Endurance: Flutter Kicks

  1. Start by lying with back against the floor. Place both hands beneath hips to cushion spine.
  2. Engage abdominal muscles by keeping a "tight" and "stiff" position, minimising the gap between the floor and your back.
  3. Gently lift head and both legs about 2-3cm off the ground, keeping both legs straight.
  4. Alternate lifting one leg up, and lowering with the other leg, mimicking the kicking motion in a swimming freestyle stroke.
  5. Resist rotation of shoulders when executing the movement.
  6. Repeat.
Muscular Strength - Squats

Muscular Strength: Squats

  1. Start with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
  2. Keep chest up, engage abdominals and shift weight onto heels as you push hips back into a sitting position.
  3. Lower hips until thighs are parallel or almost parallel to the ground.
  4. Pause with your knees over, but not beyond toes.
  5. Exhale and push back up to starting position.
Muscular Strength - Push Ups

Muscular Strength: Push-Ups

  1. Start in a plank position with shoulders, hips, feet forming a straight line.
  2. Place both hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the floor.
  3. Squeeze shoulder blades together and maintain tension on the abdominal and thigh muscles by keeping a "tight" and "stiff" position.
  4. Ensure that head remains in a neutral position.
  5. Bend elbows and lower body, keeping elbows at about 45-degree angle away from body.
  6. Push back up to the starting position.
  7. Repeat.
Muscular Strength - Single Leg Deadlifts

Muscular Strength: Single Leg Deadlifts

  1. Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lean forward in your hips, shifting your weight onto one leg while your other leg starts to extend straight behind you.
  3. Lift your extended leg and continue leaning forward while your arms are hanging straight down.
  4. Keep a slight bend in your standing leg.
  5. Once your finger reaches close to your ankle, slowly bring in your extended leg and return to starting position.
  6. Repeat with the other leg.
Power - Single Leg Hops

Power: Single Leg Hops

  1. Get into a comfortable, upright stance on one foot.
  2. The non-jumping leg is held in a stationary position with the knee flexed during the exercise.
  3. Using the balancing foot, hop up, with primary motion at the ankle joint.
  4. Land in the starting position and immediately repeat the hop using the same leg.
  5. Repeat with the opposite leg after a brief rest.
Power - Lateral Bounds

Power: Lateral Bounds

  1. From a standing position, push off your left foot to leap to the right.
  2. Land on your right foot, bringing your left foot behind your right leg.
  3. Aim to land softly with a slight bend in your right knee and keep your left foot off the floor.
  4. If you are struggling with your balance you can place your toes on the floor.
  5. Pause for a beat, then leap in the other direction. 
Power - Star Jumps

Power: Star Jumps

  1. Standing in a quarter squat position with your feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in your knees.
  2. Push into the floor and jump with an explosive movement.
  3. While in mid-air, fully extend your arms and legs out to form a star shape.
  4. Bring your limbs back toward your body and land softly.
Partner Drop-and-Catch

Reaction Time: Partner Drop-and-Catch

  1. Stand in an upright position, about 1 to 1 ½ arm’s length away from your partner.
  2. Your partner will release the ball in any direction.
  3. Catch the ball as fast as you can.
  4. Repeat and swap roles.
Selective Catch 1

Reaction Time: Selective Catch

  1. Sit on a chair or lie down on your belly on the ground, about 3m away from your partner who is holding 2 balls of different colours.
  2. Your partner will call out a colour and toss both balls in any direction simultaneously.
  3. Sprint to catch the correct coloured ball as fast as you can.
  4. Repeat and swap roles.
Get Up and Go

Reaction Time: Get Up and Go

  1. Stand in an upright position, about 3m away from the cones numbered 1 and 2.
  2. Your partner will call out a number at random.
  3. Sprint to the correct cone as fast as you can.
  4. Repeat and swap roles.
Speed - A-Skips

Speed: A-Skips

  1. Skip forward, lifting your lead knee to waist height while keeping your back leg straight as you come off your toe.
  2. Continue moving forward in this manner—alternating legs—and striking the ground with your mid-foot or forefoot while swinging your opposite arm in unison with your lead leg.
  3. Note: When doing this drill for the first time, walk through it to get the motion down and gradually progress to skipping.
Speed - Fast Feet

Speed: Fast Feet

  1. Initiate movement by lifting one leg to a bent-knee position, with the foot of the lifted leg approximately at the halfway point between the knee and ankle.
  2. Alternate the stance and swing legs as quickly as possible while maintaining an upright posture.
  3. Arm should move at the same rate as the legs, with minimal to no pausing of arm action between cycles.
Speed - Straight Leg Bounds

Speed: Straight Leg Bounds

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Initiate the first bound by sweeping the lead leg forward with the knee fully extended.
  3. The opposite arm sweeps forward to match the range of the lead leg.
  4. Quickly draw the lead leg back toward the ground, maintaining an upright posture on landing.
  5. Drive the other leg forward to initiate the second straight-leg bound and continue with this cyclical bounding movement for 10 to 20 metres.