

Fitness and Health Assessment (FHA)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Going beyond the scales in this 60 minutes session. Measure what your eyes can’t see to find out more about your body composition, fitness and health performance.

Discover how to achieve your fitness and health goals through a small group health coach dialogue with our Active Health Coaches.

This assessment is appropriate for individuals aged 18 years old and above.


Corporate Enquiries

Body Composition Assessment

Duration: 15 Minutes

Been working out? Get your body composition assessed at our Active Health Labs to get the data points you need as you work towards your fitness and health goals. 

This assessment is not suitable for individuals with pacemaker, metal implants or pregnant


Corporate Enquiries

Age related Muscle Loss

Combat Age-Related Loss of Muscle (CALM 1.0 & 2.0) 

Finding it hard to climb up the stairs or get up from your chair without support? Take charge of your understanding to combat age-related loss of muscle! 


Manage Osteoarthritis (OA) with Exercise

Number of sessions: 6 sessions (once per week)

Duration: 60 minutes each session

Active Health's Targeted programmes are specially curated to help individuals learn about your condition (diabetes, obesity, hypertension or osteoarthritis) and safety considerations to start exercising in a safe manner.

Through sport-inspired exercisessports science-based education and health coaching support, gain confidence as you exercise your way to a better you!

This programme is suitable for individuals with mild to moderate knee/hip osteoarthritis diagnosis made by medical doctor with no acute swelling or morning stiffness lasting longer than 30 minutes


individuals who are able to climb 1 flight of stairs and sit-to-stand 5 times without pain and support.



Corporate Enquiries

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Manage Diabetes with Exercise

Number of sessions: 6 sessions once per week

Duration: 60 minutes each session

Active Health's Targeted programmes are specially curated to help individuals learn about your condition (diabetes, obesity, hypertension or osteoarthritis) and safety considerations to start exercising in a safe manner.

Through sport-inspired exercisessports science-based education and health coaching support, gain confidence as you exercise your way to a better you!

This programme is suitable for individuals with well-controlled T2DM and no hypoglycemic episodes in the past 3 months.



Corporate Enquiries

Manage Hypertension with Exercise

Number of sessions: 6 sessions (once per week)

Duration: 60 minutes each session

Active Health's Targeted programmes are specially curated to help individuals learn about your condition (diabetes, obesity, hypertension or osteoarthritis) and safety considerations to start exercising in a safe manner.

Through sport-inspired exercisessports science-based education and health coaching support, gain confidence as you exercise your way to a better you!

This programme is suitable for individuals with well-controlled hypertension, blood pressure readings of <160/100 at rest (stable hypertensives) 

Note: Individuals with systolic blood pressure readings of 200mmHG and above or diastolic pressure of 110mmHG and above will not be allowed to engage in any of the exercise components during the programme.



Corporate Enquiries

Manage Obesity with Exercise

Number of sessions: 6 sessions (once per week)

Duration: 60 minutes each session

Active Health's Targeted programmes are specially curated to help individuals learn about your condition (diabetes, obesity, hypertension or osteoarthritis) and safety considerations to start exercising in a safe manner.

Through sport-inspired exercisessports science-based education and health coaching support, gain confidence as you exercise your way to a better you!

This programme is suitable for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 27.5 to 37.4 kg/m2


individuals with waist circumference of >90cm for men and >80cm for women.



Corporate Enquiries

Functional Movement Screen

Duration: 60 Minutes

Optimise your performance in 60 minutes! Move often. But first, move well. Ensure a solid movement foundation, get screened by our Functional Movement Screen (FMS) certified coaches and start moving better today!

This assessment is suitable for individuals aged 18 - 59 years old. For 60 years old and above, you are recommended to sign up for Functional Movement Screen (Modified) 

 Corporate Enquiries

Submaximal Aerobic Wattbike Fitness Assessment

Duration: 45 Minutes

Book in a session at our Active Health Labs, to assess your aerobic fitness level through an incremental wattbike assessment. 

This assessment is not recommended for: 

  • Individuals below 150cm height
  • Existing chronic medical conditions (Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Metabolic Syndromes etc.)

Available at the Sengkang, Bishan and Tampines Active Health Labs.


Corporate Enquiries

Stronger at 40

Number of sessions: 6 sessions (once per week)

Duration: 60 minutes each session

Stronger at 40 is a six-week programme targeted at individuals aged 40-59 years to combat age-related issues such as declining muscle mass through strength training and improvements to day-to-day activities. The programme helps to build confidence in strength training and will involve bodyweight and common gym equipment, coached in a social setting.

Each session will consist of hands-on practical components where participants will also learn how to perform exercises using different equipment that targets different muscle groups and understand the theoretical components (technique and rationale) behind the exercises.

Note: First-time participants are recommended to complete a Fitness and Health Assessment (Click Here) before entry into this workshop and to complete the initial Participant Safety Clearance (Click Here) for exercise participation advice


Corporate Enquiries

MHP crop

Basics of Meal Planning

Duration: 60 Minutes

Let us take a look at our kitchens and explore if the options we have at home are truly the best for us. We will also learn practical tips to plan our next grocery trip to help us build a well-balanced healthy plate.

Allergen information: Please note the workshop contains ingredients with the following allergens: peanut, wheat, dairy, egg.


Corporate Enquiries


Exercise and Nutrition

Duration: 60 Minutes

Exercise and nutrition work hand in hand to help in weight management and optimal health. In this course, you will understand in depth the concept of energy balance. In addition, we will cover how pre- and post-exercise nutrition can help in performance and recovery.

Allergen information: Please note the workshop contains ingredients with the following allergens: wheat, tree nuts, dairy, soy.

*Please take note that there will be no need to do physical activity in this session, this session involves nutrition in relation to exercise.


Corporate Enquiries

[ActiveHealth Nutrition] Foodie Friday

Healthier Hawker Experience

Duration: 60 Minutes

Some hawker delights have a bad reputation for being unhealthy but healthy eating can happen in the comfort of your favourite hawker joints! Learn how to pick the healthier options at your favourite hawker centres and how to make healthier alternatives of the local favourites at home!

Allergen information: Please note the workshop contains ingredients with the following allergens: wheat and soy.


Corporate Enquiries


Heartshape Bowl of Fruits

Guilt-free Snacking

Duration: 60 Minutes

Snacks are generally defined as foods consumed outside of your main meals but are you mindful of what you are snacking on? Explore how to incorporate snacks into your diet appropriately and learn recipes of snacks widely loved by Singaporeans with a healthy twist!

Allergen information: Please note the workshop contains ingredients with the following allergens: wheat, soy.


Corporate Enquiries

10 healthy foods to include in your diet 2Nutrition For Weight Management

Duration: 60 Minutes

Healthy weight management is more than just a diet plan or a program, it includes lifestyle changes in eating, sleeping and exercising. This workshop will help you understand more on the strategies to manage healthy weight whilst maintaining good nutrition. 

Allergen information: Please note the workshop contains ingredients with the following allergens: wheat, dairy, tree nuts.


Corporate Enquiries


Nutrition for Diabetes Management

Duration: 60 Minutes

Diabetes is one of the commonly reported diseases in Singapore. Diabetes does not occur instantly, and an individual is only diagnosed with it over the years due to poor lifestyle habits. In this workshop, you will learn more about diabetes and identify healthy strategies to manage/prevent diabetes better.



Corporate Enquiries

Eat Better for Greater Energy

Eat Better for Greater Energy

(Suitable For Seniors)

Learn to maximise your energy input through practical nutrition and hydration tips.

Allergen information: Please note the workshop contains ingredients with the following allergens: egg, wheat, soy, fish.


Corporate Enquiries

group exercise AH

Balance and Muscular Fitness

Duration: 60 Minutes

Learn to perform specific exercises that improves balance, muscular strength, endurance and power. These components are essential in enabling us to live life to the fullest, even as we age.

Note: First-time participants are required to complete the initial Participant Safety Clearance (Click Here) for exercise participation advice


Corporate Enquiries

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Cardio Jam by Active Health

Duration: 60 Minutes

This introductory workshop is geared towards anyone who wishes to improve your cardiorespiratory fitness for daily pursuits and to move better as you pick up a sport or embark on your favourite physical activity. Learn sport inspired exercises with our Active Health coaches.

Cardio Jam workshop is suitable for everyone, including the physically inactive and seniors.

Note: First-time participants are required to complete the initial Participant Safety Clearance (Click Here) for exercise participation advice



Corporate Enquiries

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Cardio Endurance by Active Health

Duration: 60 Minutes

Do you know that increasing cardiorespiratory endurance improves your oxygen uptake?

This intermediate workshop combines a blend of sport-inspired drills and explosive movements, performed at moderate to high intensity to improve workout efficiency and sustain your favourite physical activity.

You are required to complete and clear the Participant Safety Clearance before signing up for the workshop. Individuals requiring medical clearance based on the screening are not eligible for the workshop and should consult a healthcare professional.


Corporate Enquiries

Mobility flexibility AH

Mobility and Flexibility

Duration: 60 Minutes

Muscle aches and stiffness can result from long hours of sitting, or an eventful weekend of sports. Learn to perform specific exercises to stretch and relax those tired muscles using self-care techniques to improve your mobility and flexibility.

Note: First-time participants are required to complete the initial Participant Safety Clearance (Click Here) for exercise participation advice

During the workshop, coaches may incorporate the use of a foam roller or small ball for a short segment during the session. It will be useful to have one ready but is not compulsory.


Corporate Enquiries

000 -Stress Better for Greater Happiness

Stress Better for Greater Happiness

(Suitable for Seniors)

Duration: 45 mins

Learn more about the stressors you might face and tips you can apply in your daily lives.

Format: Educational talk via Zoom


toddler holding assorted-color Crayola lot

My Family's Journey to Better Health With Nutrition

Duration: 60 Minutes

Get together with your famly on this journey to understand the importance of an active lifestyle and good nutrition for better health through this 1 hr interactive workshop.

Build SMART goals, create a nutritious snack and adopt healthy habits togeher with your child towards a healthier family. 

Allergen information: Please note the workshop contains ingredients with the following allergens: dairy, egg, wheat.

This sign up is for a parent-child pair. 



Happy Tummies for Active Families

Duration: 60 Minutes

Making nutritious snacks together as a family is a great way for your kids to learn how to prepare healthier snack options to refuel after exercise and sport. Join this parent-child bonding session as we use simple everyday ingredients to create healthy snacks for your active family!

Allergen information: Please note the workshop contains ingredients with the following allergens: egg, dairy, fish, wheat.

This sign up is for a parent-child pair


Active Health Discovery Walk in the Park

Join our Active Health Coach in monthly walks, where you can learn how to make use of environmental cues to incorporate these exercises and personalise your own Active Health Fitness Trail.

Find Out More

Move to Age Better (Exercise for Seniors)

Duration: 45 mins

Learn the ABC's of exercise to improve your strength, balance, cardio, mobility and flexibility to age well and maintain your functional fitness  and performance!

In this workshop, you will:

- Learn and perform exercises using your own bodyweight and/or simple gym equipment such as dumbbells.
- Adapt the exercises according to your recommended intensity and ability.

Note: First-time participants are required to complete the initial Participant Safety Clearance (Click Here) for exercise participation advice


000 -Stress Better for Greater Happiness

Stress Better for Greater Happiness

Learn more about the stressors you might face and tips you can apply in your daily lives.

Duration: 45 mins
Format: Educational talk via Zoom


Rest Better for a Fresher Tomorrow

Rest Better for a Fresher Tomorrow

Obtain strategies on how you can get quality rest to wake up feeling refreshed the next day.

Duration: 45 mins
Format: Educational talk via Zoom


Eat Better for Greater Energy

Eat Better for Greater Energy

Learn to maximise your energy input through practical nutrition and hydration tips.



Smiling father talking with his children during their breakfast in kitchen

AH Champs: Eat Better For Healthy Growth & Development

Duration: 60 Minutes

Adopting healthy eating habits starts from young to promote healthy growth and development. Identifying the key nutrients to promote healthy growth in children is crucial for stronger immunity and promotes both academic and sports performance. 

Allergen information: Please note the workshop contains ingredients with the following allergens: egg, fish, soy

This sign up is for a parent-child pair.


Workshop for Corporates

Looking for workshops for your organisation? Contact us today!