There are just some days where parents have to keep the kids indoors because of the weather or other reasons… While it may seem like a daunting task to keep your kids occupied during these times, you can still fill the hours with active or enriching activities right at home!
Make a family video or vlog
In this day and age, it is not surprising for our kids to be so savvy with technology. Plan a fun video to capture the family spending time together like working out, whipping up a hearty meal, doing the house chores – or anything that you like, really! You can download some free apps available online to give your kids some hands-on experience with video editing and the creative process of filming. Take this opportunity to also guide your kids on the proper use of the Internet and social media!
Have a dance (or sport) competition
Another theme for that vlog – compete solo or group up for the ultimate face off. Throw in a prize to make it more competitive (and encourage good sporting fun). This may be fun to watch together as a family even months later.
Declutter as a family
Stay-home days are great for finally getting to the chores that have been put off so long. How about taking time to declutter, reorganise and make space for new things together? This could be cleaning out the sport gear, storeroom, wardrobe or even giving the room a makeover. Gather pre-loved items (in good condition) to donate.
Create a scavenger hunt
Do up a list of items for your kids to find in the house, or lay clues all over to lead to a prize or reward at the end. You never know, that missing sock or game card may choose to reappear during this time.
Do up an obstacle course
This is an activity good for training motor coordination. Use large cardboard cartons, pillows, cushions, furniture and items on hand to set up an obstacle course through the whole house. Up the game with a streamer maze – use tape (that does not ruin your walls) to paste paper streamers across hallways and go through them without touching the streamers.
Play fun balloon games
There are so many fun things that can be done with balloons! Have a balloon volleyball game, toss as many balloons in the air as possible without letting them touch the floor, throw and catch a balloon with a paper cup in a race, or even painting with balloons to get the creative juices flowing.
Camp indoors
Even if you do not have professional camping gear at home – fret not! Try propping up a tent with furniture, blankets and pillows. Make a picnic basket to go with it. Have the whole family get into the tent and bond over some storytelling or board games. Imagine camping without the mozzies, sun or rain!
For other ideas you can try at home with your little ones, check out our Active Parents activities.