As parents, we know involving our children in sport has plenty of merits. Perhaps less considered is how - by doing so – we parents also bring ourselves a whole suite of benefits.
These benefits could often be sidelined by practical challenges that hinder us from playing a more active role in our kids’ sporting journey. It could be costs in terms of time, energy and money. Or stress that come with having to multi-task and accomplish the never-ending list of parenting tasks. Or sheer fatigue.
Doesn’t hurt to remind ourselves every now and then why it’s worth overcoming those challenges!
1. An alternative me-time
Which parent would complain about having more me-time? The most visible and quickest change we can effect to our lifestyle – simply by being an active parent! How do we spend our time after dropping our kid off at their sport activity? How about using the time for our own exercise? Or even going another step and pick up the same sport as our child?
Parents can use this spare time to clock in their own fit-minutes of at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week . For more information on the Singapore Physical Activity (SPAG) guidelines, check out our related read:
2. Doing things together as a family... makes us closer
What's better than just chatting with your kid during commute to and fro school or before bedtime? When you share the same activity as them, watch them in action or be part of their action, you communicate even more and on a deeper level. By engaging in sport with our kids, there are more opportunities to find out what our kids think and feel - are we are trying to make our kids do too many things? Are they getting the rest they need in their developmental years?
The increased frequency and depth of communication can cultivate an even closer relationship among family members - not only parent to chile, but also spouse to spouse.
3. Striking up new friendships… with fellow active parents
As we become more present and involved in our kids’ sporting hours, we get a chance to interact with their coaches as well as other active parents. These people in the same mode as us may jolly well become a valuable support group. And what is more optimal than becoming more fit, closer to our family and making some friends all at the same time?
Regardless of what obstacles may be hindering us from becoming even more active parents, there are definitely resources to help us.
Active Parents run parent-child programmes, curated and administered by professional coaches from ActiveSG’s Academies and Clubs (A&C). Many of these activities allow parents to participate and accompany our children, so check them out if you are planning to find something suitable for you and your children!
Related read:
Can Parents Be Coaches to Kids?
Playing Sport With Our Kids - To or Not To?