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Simple Synchronised Swimming positions to master


Synchronised Swimming_2011_09_11_Shaun Chiet_19

Image credit: Shaun Chiet/SportSG

Just because you are new to the sport does not mean you cannot try some basic synchronised swimming moves. These positions are easy enough to master in one day.

If there is a more experienced swimmer in the pool with you, have them demonstrate these moves  so you can have a better idea visually of what you are about to attempt. You probably have not learnt much in terms of sculling yet, so just try to use your hands as best as you can to hold yourself up while your legs are busy with these moves.


image by SportSG

The Tub
Legs are bent and together, feet and knees are at and parallel to the surface with thighs perpendicular. Head is in line with your trunk and face is at the surface.

For an extra challenge, see how long you can stay in this position without having to straighten up.

The Surface Arch
Keep your lower back arched, with your hips, shoulders and head on a vertical line. Keep your legs together and at the surface.

For an extra challenge, see if you can move around the pool in this position and just scull with your hands.


The Front Pike
Bend your body at the hips to form a 90 degree angle. Keep your legs extended and together. Keep your trunk extended with your back straight and head in line with your body.

For an extra challenge, see how long you can hold this position before sinking into the water.


The Ballet Leg Double
Keep your legs together and extended perpendicular to the surface. Keep your head in line with your trunk. Face is exposed at the surface.

For an extra challenge, why not try the submerged ballet leg double? Keep your trunk and head parallel to the surface. 90 degree angle between the trunk and extended legs. Keeping the surface of the water between the knees and ankles of the extended legs, all the while sculling to maintain your position.

As you are practicing, don't forget to have fun and take a break if you need to. Over practicing can result in injuries. Take great care in what you do, including warming up and cooling down at the start and end of each practice.


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