
Rules and regulations for Rowing



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All athletes must comply to the requirements of the event they wish to enter, and must prove they are the citizen of the country they are representing by means of an official document. An athlete with dual citizenship may only choose one country to represent.

The main regulation involving the coxswain is that the male athlete must weigh the minimum of 55kg when wearing the race uniform and the female athlete must weigt a minimum of 50kg. To make up this weight, the athlete may carry a maximum of 10kg of dead weight placed as close to them as possible when on the boat. The organising committee may perform a spot check of the weight at any one point before the race and after disembarkation.

Boats are held in alignment at the start of the race to prevent a false start, and crews are allowed only one false start. A second false start will result in disqualification. During the race, athletes may only receive data like the time on the clock, their stroke speed, velocity and their heart rate. Any other information sent electronically or otherwise may lead to a disqualification.

Athletes may receive the following penalties for any breach in rules and regulations:

  • A reprimand
  • A Yellow Card (first warning)
  • Relegation of placement deemed appropriate in accordance to the rules
  • A Red Card (exclusion from the event)
  • Disqualification
  • An order to re-row the race

Athletes excluded or penalised at the start of the race must make their objections known at the point of the penalty. Athletes wanting to object to issues that happened during the race must report the objection to the umpire immediately after the race, before leaving the finish line area, by raising their arm.

Objections that have been rejected, or athletes that have been disqualified, excluded, ruled Did Not Finish (DNF) or Did Not Start (DNS), and those wanting to dispute the published results may convey their protest in written form to the Jury President no later than one hour after the Umpire communicated his decision. The jury will make its decision regarding the protest before the next round of races in the event concerned or no later than two hours after the last race of the day and may postpone the victory ceremony or have the medals re-awarded if the ceremony has taken place.

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