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Active Navigation Routes
An Active Navigation Route is a movement course within the preschool that encourages children to use a variety of movements to get from point to point. Educators may add visual aids on the children’s existing routes e.g., adding movement instructions on the floor to inform them of the "movement of the day".
For preschool centres with space constraints, an Active Navigation Route may be as simple as a set of instructions like “hopping like a bunny from classroom to the toilet.” Children can learn to move independently with clear visual cues and simple instructions given.
To other learning domains, navigation routes can also include numeracy or linguistic elements to integrate movement with learning for children.
Check out the following examples of Active Navigation Routes:
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Road
- To incorporate various movement skills when moving from classrooms to the toilet, e.g. walking, crawling, hopping, galloping, skipping onto the foot and hand markers
How to Set Up:
- Paste laminated bear paws, foot prints, and hand prints on the floor from one location to another. Place Goldilocks characters and other items to add on a story to the active navigation route
Materials needed:
- Laminated Goldilocks characters, foot prints, hand prints, bear paws and other pictorial items such as a bed, chairs and porridge bowl
Other information:
Teachers to consider your children’s interest in setting up Active Navigation Route to add on a story to your route
Reference Materials:
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by PCF Sparkletots@Paya Lebar Blk 221, for preschools’ general information and reference only.
Baby Shark Rocky Road
- To incorporate various movement skills when moving to and from classrooms or within the bay, e.g. walking, crawling, hopping, galloping, skipping onto the rocks, foot and hand markers
How to Set Up:
- Paste laminated rocks, foot prints, and hand prints on the floor from one location to another. Place baby shark and other sea creatures to add on a story to the active navigation route
Materials Needed:
- Laminated rocks, foot prints, hand prints, baby shark and other pictorial items of sea creatures
Other information:
Teachers to consider your children’s interest in setting up Active Navigation Route to add on a story to your route
Reference Materials:
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by PCF Sparkletots@Paya Lebar Blk 221, for preschools’ general information and reference only.
Rainbow Path
- To incorporate various movement skills when moving to and from classrooms or within the bay, e.g. walking, crawling, hopping, galloping, skipping onto the shapes, foot and hand markers
How to Set Up:
- Paste laminated shapes, foot prints, and hand prints and a balancing log on the floor from one location to another
Materials Needed:
- Variety of floor markers (shapes, hand and foot) and balancing log
Other information:
Teachers to consider your children’s interest in setting up Active Navigation Route to add on a story to your route
Reference Materials:
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by PCF Sparkletots@Paya Lebar Blk 221, for preschools’ general information and reference only.
Infant Line and Shapes Road
- To incorporate various movement skills when moving within the bay, e.g. walking and crawling onto the line markers, and stepping or tapping onto the shapes
How to Set Up:
- Paste a straight and zig zag tape, and some laminated shapes on the floor from one location to another
Materials Needed:
- Masking/Duct tape and laminated shapes
Other information:
Teachers to consider your children’s interest in setting up Active Navigation Route to add on a story to your route
Reference Materials:
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by PCF Sparkletots@Paya Lebar Blk 221, for preschools’ general information and reference only.
High Frequency Words Stepping Stone
To get the preschoolers to do the following:
- Move along the corridor while applying learnt motor skills (i.e. hopping, jumping, sliding)
- Practise literacy skills (i.e. high frequency words)
- Increase body movement activities
How to Set Up:
- Print the stickers with the targeted words and plan the route before pasting them.
How to Play:
- Preschooler will read and say out each word written on the 'stone'.
- He/she will jump on each 'stone' according to the route.
Other information:
EC educators should bear in mind the following:
- The size of the words on the stones and the stones should be big enough to be seen.
- The distance between each stone should be within jumping distance for the preschoolers.
Reference Materials:
*This content is provided and published with permission by MOE Kindergarten @ Fernvale.
High Frequency Words Stepping Stone (Letters)
To get the preschoolers to do the following:
- Move along the corridor while applying learnt motor skills (i.e. hopping, jumping, sliding)
- Identify and match upper and lower case letters
- Increase body movement activities
How to Set Up:
- Print the letters and paste them on the floor according to the desired route.
How to Play:
- Preschooler will jump and match the uppercase letter with the lowercase letter using both feet.
- He/she will then jump according to the placement of the letters along the route.
- He/she will also say out the name of each letter as he/she jumps onto it.
Other information:
EC educators should bear in mind the size of the letters and the distance between them before pasting.
Reference Materials:
*This content is provided and published with permission by MOE Kindergarten @ Fernvale.
Jungle Walk
To get the preschoolers to do the following:
- Increase body movement activities
- Move along the corridor using learnt motor skills (i.e. hopping, jumping, sliding)
- Practise numeracy skills (i.e. part-part whole concept within 10)
How to Set Up:
- Print the stickers/ pictures for the route and paste them onto the floor.
How to Play:
- Preschooler will jump on each log and say out the number sentences (i.e. 2 and 3 make 5).
- He/she will respond with the appropriate movements that correspond with the pictures (i.e. swimming along the river).
- He/she will hop onto the leaves and flowers and say out the corresponding numbers.
Other information:
EC educators should bear in mind the size of the stickers and the distance between each sticker before pasting them.
Reference Materials:
*This content is provided and published with permission by MOE Kindergarten @ Fernvale.
Moving Along Lines
To get the preschoolers to do the following:
- Increase body movement activities
- Move along the corridor using learnt motor skills (i.e. hopping, jumping, sliding)
- Identify and name the different types of lines (i.e. zig-zag, straight, curved)
How to Set Up:
- Use coloured tapes to create the different types of lines on the floor.
How to Play:
- Preschooler will decide the movement for each line (i.e. walking on the zig-zag line, tiptoe on the straight line)
- He/she will move accordingly on the lines as he/she moves from one end of the corridor to the other.
- He/she will say out each line name as he/she moves along it.
Reference Materials:
*This content is provided and published with permission by MOE Kindergarten @ Fernvale.
Nature Route
To get preschoolers active and moving.
How to Set Up:
- Print the picture (logs/tree bark)
- Paste it on the floor of the planned route
How to Play:
- Preschoolers are encouraged to jump on the logs and tree bark as a movement from one place to another. (i.e. navigation route from class door to cubbies).
Materials Needed:
- Tree bark
- Logs picture
- Tape
Reference Materials:
*This content is provided and published with permission by E-Bridge Pre-School 178A Rivervale Crescent
Tarmac Road Navigation Route with Push & Ride Cars
- To get preschoolers active and moving.
How to Set Up:
- Paste the black material for the pathway from the desired location A to location B. Use the white tape to mark the middle of the “black tarmac road” as the divider. Carpark lots can also be marked at the end of each location for the preschooler to park their vehicles after use using the white tape.
How to Play:
- Preschooler will need to use their feet to push the vehicles forward/backward to move along the “road” from one point to another.
Materials Needed:
- Self-Adhesive Wallpaper / Laminated Black Vanguard, scissors, White Duct-tape/Electrical tape
Reference Materials:
*This content is provided and published with permission by PCF Sparkletots @ Bukit Panjang Blk 226.
If your preschool is keen to contribute your activity ideas and resources to this website, please reach out to us here.