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Age Playfully with ActiveSG Masters Club

Written by Circle Stories | Oct 21, 2021 4:00:00 PM

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There is no age limit to playing. Join us in this celebration in conjunction with the International Day of Older Persons and have lots of fun together!

Get ready for a morning of engaging activities as we Play On Play Together! Join our exclusive Zoom session and get access to 4 virtual rooms that will be offering talks, workshops and even workouts!

A host of exciting programmes have been designed especially for Masters and Seniors above 40 years old to enable them to keep playing and learning regardless of age. It is going to be a fun-filled morning with a wide variety of workshops, with speakers from Khoo Teck Puat hospital and Ministry of Health Holdings, and dynamic fitness workouts for the seniors to choose from.

Enjoy hiking and walking in Nature? Check out this session by ActiveSG for tips on how you can prepare yourself for your next hike! Tips ranges from protecting yourself from the outdoor elements, footwear to physical conditioning. You can also find out how to join the ActiveSG Hiking Interest groups with like-minded friends.

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Follow that up with Team Nila’s Active Farming session to understand what Team Nila Silver Champions Scheme is. Love the greens? Get to know how you can be a part of our Active Farming at ActiveSG Sport Centre. A demonstration of how to cook Chicken Pita using simple ingredients from Active Farm.

Alternatively, pick up energy conservation tips to relieve pain and combat fatigue; learn how to manage stress and remain mentally active; or just dance like it is the 80s from the comforts of your home in this fun get together on the 29th of October, 9am to 11am.

Click HERE to sign up now. See you there!