By Jared Gallagher

Athletes are often described as artists, and rightly so. To perform at the highest level, under the most intense pressure, is a rare form of artistry. This is the magic that draws us to stadiums and television screens - the chance to witness greatness. But what we often forget is that greatness is not born in a single moment; it is forged over hours of gruelling training, relentless sacrifice and an unwavering commitment to an ideal. That is one of the realities of elite sport. 


Art, like sport, is no different. It is not just the final brushstroke on a painting nor the final sculpture where artistry is exhibited. It unfolds in every sketch and every mistake reworked. The final product is simply the culmination of a journey of passion, dedication and an unyielding desire to achieve something greater than oneself.


The Team Singapore Wall of Fame located at 8C Jalan Kledek, Kampong Glam. Credit: SportSG/Ashok Kumar


This idea is perfectly illustrated by the Team Singapore Wall of Fame, a mural created by Singaporean graffiti artist Ceno2, also known as Mohammad Azlan. Tasked with capturing the essence of our Team Singapore athletes, Ceno approached his work with the same spirit of relentless pursuit and commitment that drives every athlete. "It’s culture,” he explained. “There are lots of similarities between sport and art. It’s ultimately about passion and dedication to your craft, valuing the process as much as the result.”


The mural featured five Olympians and Paralympians: Nur Syahidah Alim (Para archery), Shanti Pereira (Athletics), Maximilian Maeder (Sailing), Loh Kean Yew (Badminton) and Yip Pin Xiu (Para swimming). Each athlete was chosen for their contributions and achievements at the world sporting stage, symbolising the strength and dedication that define Singapore's athletes.


As an artist, Ceno felt an immense pride and responsibility to do right by our athletes in capturing their truest emotions.  His respect for the athletes, the sporting community, and the culture of Kampong Glam was evident in his creative process.


34e151e8-cdd6-4d89-b635-088318c1bcc0Graffiti artist Ceno2 at work during the early stages of the creation of the mural. Credit: SportSG


To understand their motivations and passion for their sport, Ceno insisted on speaking with the athletes before the painting of the mural began. He wanted to capture not just their likeness but their respective journeys - the silent struggles and the sporting victories that shaped their public personas. At the same time, as a Singaporean and a member of the local community, he wanted to pay tribute through his work and give his absolute best work. “I eat the Nasi Padang in this area, I drink the teh and mingle with the shop-owners. This area is a part of me and I of it.” 


Ceno also emphasised the importance of the mural representing more than individual achievements; that each athlete represents the collective that is Team Singapore. “They are Team Singapore,” Ceno said. “No individual stands out more than another. Whether they compete alone or as a team, they’re representing the country. Every detail is applied as a group, not as an individual. They are a collective group of our stars.”


031A3722A pedestrian stopping to take a picture of the TeamSG Wall of Fame in Kampong Glam. Credit: SportSG/Ashok Kumar


Much like in sport, the making of the mural was by no means a straight-forward process and the difficulty in achieving the final product is often missed by the untrained eye. 


To capture the unique complexions of the five athletes, Ceno mixed and layered up to 15 different shades to reflect their distinct features and expressions. For Shanti’s chin alone, he used nine different shades of paint to achieve his vision, another example of the intricacies and details that Ceno sees. 


031A6515Team Singapore athletes Elizabeth Tan and Zubin Muncherji snapping a selfie at the TeamSG Wall of Fame in Kampong Glam. Credit: SportSG/Ashok Kumar


Just as these athletes have trained through demanding conditions, Ceno faced the elements, braving the sun and rain while visualising every stroke and detail with precision and care. His attention to these subtleties ensured that the mural not only depicted their physical likeness, but also conveyed the spirit and emotion behind the particular moment of achievement as felt by the athletes themselves.


The Olympians, Paralympians and the rest of Team Singapore have devoted their lives to chase perfection in their craft. Whether it’s achieving a personal best or reaching a major Games,  every milestone reflects their extraordinary dedication and perseverance, thus making their journey even more worthy of celebration. And what better way to make a statement than with an art mural. 


WhatsApp Image 2024-09-05 at 11.26.25Graffiti artist Ceno2 working on the mural under the beating sun. Credit: SportSG


More than just to photograph or admire, the Team Singapore Wall of Fame aims to inspire the understanding of the importance of the journey rather than the end product. To celebrate the profound truth that greatness lies not just in the final result but in the courage to embark on the path less travelled. The recognition of the unseen hours of effort and sacrifice of our Team Singapore athletes, and the vital need for us to support their dreams. 


Because after all, it’s One Team, One Dream.


Visit the Team Singapore Wall of Fame at 8C Jalan Kledek, S(199263), Kampong Glam. Be inspired by the artistry and share your experience on socials with #TeamSGWallOfFame.