Nicholas Rachmadi:
A letter to my Younger self
Dear Nicholas,
I'm so glad to see the desire and passion in you to succeed in swimming. You've proven this in your training sessions where you never fail to kick faster, pull harder and push yourself beyond your limits. Your tenacity and willingness to do whatever it takes to get better is something that will bring you to greater heights, in whatever you do.
However, if there is one advice I could give you now, that will be to always remember this.
Life is a marathon and sometimes, you need to take a step back to have a glance at your end goal. Do not get blinded by the victories of the small battles and forget about the big war ahead.
Remember that the opportunities are unlimited if swimming doesn't work out for you, and that there are other avenues to achieve your end goal.
You'll never know if you never try.
See you soon and you can tell me all about it.

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