Adequate sleep improves your confidence and helps you lose weight.
You have to be determined, disciplined, and patient. You must have self-confidence and believe in yourself. And most importantly, you have to consistently make healthy decisions in the face of aggressive food marketing, social pressure, and your own ingrained habits.
Sleeping a minimum of 7 hours helps you make better decisions, and healthier choices lead to weight loss.
It also has physical benefits for weight loss. Sleep deprivation is a significant predictor of obesity. Poor sleep quality and quantity leads to higher levels of stress hormones like cortisol, blood sugar, and insulin - all of which increase hunger levels and overall appetite.
So when it comes to weight loss, being rested is a huge advantage.
Waking up at the same time each day is important for our sleep cycle - the time we wake determines when we get sleepy at night. Disruptions greater than one hour in our sleep routine (such as sleeping in on weekends) can cause social jet-lag: a low energy feeling like we get from changing time zones. Over time, disruptions to our sleep cycle increase our risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Determine the average wake-up time that best suits your work-week.
Commit to waking up at this time (or within 1 hour of it) everyday - this includes the weekend too!
Monitor: Make a note in the morning if you had more than a 1-hour difference in wake time compared to your normal wake time. But keep in mind that better beats perfect when it comes to healthy habits!
Sleep e-Workshops
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