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Get Active! First Light [Ep 21] | Functional Fitness

Written by jc | Aug 9, 2020 4:00:00 PM

Cooking requires a lot of upper endurance! It involves several hours of preparing, cutting and cooking! Join ActiveSG Fitness Instructor Nas for an endurance-based workout this morning to help you transform the daily cooking chore into a breeze!

The Get Active! First Light Masters and Seniors Fitness Programme is specially designed for masters and seniors to stay active and healthy at home. Each workout is a sort 30-min session with easy movements. Jio your parents and grandparents to join us and get fitter!


The programme rundown is as follows


Warm Up Exercise

60 seconds per exercise

  1. Jog on the Spot
  2. Flying Angel
  3. Sidestep Torso Rotation
  4. Kneeling Upward Torso Rotation


Workout for the Day

4 rounds of 20 seconds per exercise with 10 seconds of rest

  1. Lateral Raise to Chest Fly
  2. Squat
  3. Push-Up
  4. Hand Scissor
  5. Plank with Shoulder Tap
  6. Crab Handwalk

Cool Down Exercise 60 seconds per exercise
  1. Chest Opener
  2. Shoulder Stretch
  3. Kneeling Upward Torso Rotation
  4. Deep Breathing