Guardians of Safety: Celebrating International Lifeguard Appreciation Day

International Lifeguard Appreciation Day is celebrated on July 31 annually. It’s a day for honouring and appreciating those professionals, who diligently dedicate not only their time but lives to enabling a safe environment for swimmers. Did you know that about 10,000 people are rescued from drowning yearly by lifeguards? What could be more heroic than that?
Community Influencers
However, these lifeguards are more than just water safety officers; they are community influencers whose impact extends far beyond water safety. These include multiple communal roles like mentors, educators, and positive role models. They go beyond ensuring pool safety by instilling values and teaching life-saving skills to individuals of all ages. Through their dedication and commitment, they create a ripple effect of awareness and preparedness in our communities, making them safer places for everyone.
Now that we have recognized the multifaceted role of lifeguards as community influencers, it's time to show our appreciation for these noble pool watchers.
Pen Your Appreciation
Eager to show your appreciation for our noble lifeguards? Now you can! From 1st June 2023 onwards, members of the public are welcome to join in the effort when they visit an ActiveSG swimming pool. All you need to do is to pick up one of the stickers provided, pen your appreciation for the lifeguards, and then stick it onto the banner hoisted at any of the ActiveSG swimming pools dotted islandwide.
To gain a deeper understanding of the remarkable impact lifeguards have on our community, let's meet a few individuals who exemplify the dedication and commitment of these everyday heroes.
Denice Ng
Sports Champion Denice Ng, is a Lifeguard, a sports centre Guest Officer and also a rehab sports instructor for the Singapore Prison Service. Watch how SC Denice has helped our community to live better through sports with her different roles in ActiveSG on #ActiveSGCircle, or on the ActiveSG Jalan Besar Sports Centre Facebook Page.
Beyond their lifeguard duties, many lifeguards actively participate in community outreach programs and volunteer initiatives. They extend their passion for water safety and community well-being beyond the pool environment, making a difference in various community projects, water-related events, and charity initiatives.
For Sports Champion Helmie, this has come in the form of imparting his knowledge to members and encouraging them to keep active and healthy. The smiles of the members are his greatest reward! Watch him in action here, where he leads a Water Confidence session in the competition pool.
Being a Lifeguard
You’ve heard the stories of Denice Ng and Helmie, but have you ever wondered what it takes to become a lifeguard? Let's delve into the journey and responsibilities of being a lifeguard.
Let our former ActiveSG Chief Hock Lin take you through this Lifeguard Series. Understand what is known as the Lifeguard Proficiency Assessment, which tests our lifeguards across crucial faculties including swimming capabilities and lifesaving response.
Lifeguards are not only guardians of safety but also community influencers who have a profound impact on our lives. While Lifeguard Appreciation Day serves as a reminder to express our gratitude, let's not limit our appreciation to a single day. Let's continue to create lasting connections with lifeguards and show ongoing support throughout the year. Engage with lifeguards during pool visits, participate in community events they organize, and continue spreading awareness about water safety in your circles.
No matter how small the gesture, our collective appreciation can help them feel valued and continue their important work as community guardians. Together, let's celebrate and honour lifeguards for their unwavering commitment to keeping our communities safe!