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Physical Activity and Fitness

Written by Active Health | Jul 23, 2017 4:00:00 PM



Increase your fitness and overall physical capacity

Being more active, playing more sports, and exercising more often will improve your fitness and sports performance.

But what if you don�t want to improve your sport performance? Why should you care about improving your fitness?

Because improving your physical fitness means you�re ready and able to do whatever you want.

  • Want to keep up with your kids or your grandkids?
  • Want to go on that backpacking trip and see everything there is to see?
  • Want to be mentally sharp enough to land a promotion and resilient enough to handle the stress and travel?
  • Want to be strong and confident in your abilities?
  • Want to simply enjoy what your body is capable of doing?
  • Want to be a positive role model for your family, friends, and community?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you know what you need to do.

Move more, with more intensity, and more enjoyment, more often.

MORE ABOUT DAILY HABIT #4: �I will complete at least 25 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity, sport or exercise every day, in periods of 10 minutes or more�

This habit earns you 100% of the weekly PA recommendations of 150min each week. You�ll live longer, decrease your risk of disease, and perform better every day! It feels wonderful to enjoy the act of purposeful movement that contributes to your health and the health of your family and community.

How do I build this habit?

  1. Plan Ahead: Choose a specific time, location, and type of activity then book it like an appointment. Example: Before work (when), at the Fitness Park (where), Functional Fitness (type) by yourself (with who). Or, after work (when), at the Sports Hub (where), friendly game of Ultimate Frisbee (type), with the Active Health group (with who).
  2. Plan this consistently, even put it into your mobile calendar, and build it into your daily routine.

How do I measure my success?

Monitor: Take note at the end of the day if you didn�t accumulate 25 minutes of moderate intensity PA, sport or exercise.
