The Ministry for Culture, Community and Youth, at the recent Committee of Supply Debate on 6 March 2023, announced the launch of the National Registry of Exercise Professionals (NREP).
Spearheaded by Sport Singapore (SportSG), the NREP will be open for exercise professionals’ registration from April 2023. The registry seeks to institutionalise a structure that will provide a holistic overview on the size of the industry and to identity the support needed from these professionals.
The National Registry of Exercise Professionals (NREP) will take place in three phases starting April 2023.
In the first phase from April 2023 - March 2024, exercise professionals will be supported to up-skill and register on the NREP through providing free membership to the National Instructors and Coaches Association (NICA). This will provide them with access to work-related advisories, training support as well as financial grants, amongst other benefits.
Exercise professionals are required to have the following to register on NREP:
From April 2024, government agencies who hire a sizable number of exercise professionals including Sport Singapore, People’s Association, Health Promotion Board and Ministry of Home Affairs will only hire exercise professionals registered under the NREP. Exercise professionals will also need to have the Safe Sport Certification in addition to the certifications required in the first phase.
A later phase thereafter will see NREP strengthening the accreditation framework and further details of the requirement for a Basic Exercise Science certification and continuous education framework will be released by SportSG in due course.
This is part of the quality assurance to users of the coaching services that the exercise professionals registered under NREP are up-to-date in their fitness coaching knowledge and skills.
Aimed at building capabilities in the areas of safety and knowledge, the registry is meant to ensure that exercise professionals meet the baseline qualifications to continue to practice and provide a safe environment when coaching Singaporeans in their health and fitness journeys.
Through NREP, SportSG aims to raise the overall standards, professionalise the sector, and provide better support for exercise professionals through continuous learning and development resources. The registry will also allow the public to have easy access to these qualified exercise professionals’ profiles (coming soon).
Visit the NREP website here for more details
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions
All exercise professionals are strongly encouraged to sign-up and
can register their interest below