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When Duty Calls: Denice Ng

Written by Circle Stories | Nov 22, 2021 4:00:00 PM

Learn more about how Sports Champion Denice Ng helps Singaporeans to Live Better Through Sports on Circle Watch!

Sport inspires and evokes the Singapore spirit through shared experiences and strengthens our national identity. 

The role of a lifeguard has transcended beyond that of a lifesaver and evolved into one with a more human touch.

Our Sports Champion, Denice Ng, has responded gallantly to her calling as a Lifeguard. Find out how she fulfilled her childhood dream and help Singaporeans Live Better Through Sport on Circle Watch today!

Fun fact: In addition to her role as a lifeguard and Guest Officer at the Sports Centre, Denice also collaborates with Singapore Prison Service to serve our inmates on the Rehabilitation Through Sports programme!

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