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Dauntless: Tong Zi Yang

Written by Circle Stories | Nov 23, 2021 4:00:00 PM

Listen to Zi Yang's story as he took charge of caring for our migrant workers through Operation Sayang.

The only easy day… was yesterday. This couldn’t be more true for the heroes comprising the Operation Sayang workforce. Running a dormitory is itself a difficult task. One can only imagine the pressure and fear to be called upon to do so with minimal experience, least of all in those trying times.

Tong Zi Yang is a Senior Centre Manager at Queenstown Sport Centre. Over 90 per cent of his time is spent overseeing the development and daily operation of the sport centre. Together with his team, they help people within the community to reach their fitness goals by motivating them to join workshops and programmes organised by ActiveSG.

Listen to the story of Zi Yang and his team at Jurong West ActiveSG Sport Centre, one of the sites repurposed during the pandemic to house the migrant workers.

Also in this series:
Part 2: Dauntless: Helen Lee
Part 3: Dauntless: Joshua Chua
Part 4: Dauntless: Genevieve Goh
Part 5: Dauntless: Ng Eng Soon

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