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Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 4 - Basic Team Techniques for Tchoukball

Are you ready to play friendly matches? Learn basic team techniques to improve your team’s gameplay.

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Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 1 - Introduction to Tchoukball

In this episode, we learn more about the objective of Tchoukball. What equipment do you need? What is the role of the players? Watch this episode to...

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 2 - Rules in Tchoukball

In this episode, you will learn the basic rules of Tchoukball. Rules are important if you want to get the most out of the game!

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 3 - Basic Techniques of Tchoukball

Let’s amp it up! Learn basic techniques of tchoukball in this video! With this knowledge, you can grab a buddy or two and start playing Tchoukball on...

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 5 - Basic Team Techniques for Tchoukball (Part 2)

Are you ready for a challenge? In this episode, you will learn more advanced team techniques to bring your game to a whole other level.

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 6 - How to get started in Tchoukball in Singapore

Curious to know how you can start playing Tchoukball? In this episode, find out more about the different clubs and tournaments you can participate in!

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 7 - How Tchoukball started in Singapore

Tchoukball is a sport that has been gaining in popularity in the last few years. Find out how and when it first came to Singapore!

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 8 - From Game to Nationally Recognised sport

Over the years, Tchoukball has been gaining more recognition. In this episode, find out when Tchoukball became a nationally recognised sport.

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 9 - How Tchoukball changed the lives of these students

Sports have changed the lives of many. Find out how Tchoukball has changed the lives of Gerald and Sze Yin!

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 10 - What parents think about Tchoukball

What do parents think about Tchoukball? Do they think it is a great sport for their children? Watch this episode to find out!

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 11 - How Tchoukball coaches train their team during the pandemic

The pandemic has brought about many disruptions, especially in the sports scene. In this episode, find out how coaches have continued trainings...

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 12 - EduSportSG's Mission (Bringing Tchoukball to Singapore Schools)

Who is Edusportsingapore? Find out more about them and how they bring Tchoukball to Singaporeans in this episode.

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 13 - Meet the Tchoukball Players in your Neighbourhood

Tchoukball is a sport that can be played by people of all demographics. In this episode, get to know the Tchoukball enthusiasts in your neighbourhood!

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 14 - Meet the Tchoukball Players in your Neighbourhood (Part 2)

Tchoukball is a sport that can be played by people of all demographics. In this episode, get to know the Tchoukball enthusiasts in your neighbourhood!

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 15 - Meet the Singapore Tchoukball National Team

Interested in meeting the Male National Team players? Get close and personal with the players and find out more about the passions and struggles in...

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 16 - Meet the Singapore Tchoukball National Team (Part 2)

Interested in meeting the Female National Team players? Get close and personal with the players and find out more about the passions and struggles in...

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 17 - How to join the Singapore National Tchoukball Team

Keen on joining the National team? Get to know our National Players and find out how you can join them in this episode.

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 18 - Meet the Tchoukball Coaches

Meet the Coaches of the Tchoukball National Team! Find out how their passion for coaching began in this episode.

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 19 - Meet the Tchoukball Coaches (Part 2)

Meet the Coaches of the Tchoukball National Team! Find out some tips and strategies that will help improve your game!

Tchoukball in Singapore - Ep 20 - Meet the Tchoukball Referee who Represents Singapore in Overseas Competitions

Curious to find out what being a referee is like? Watch this episode to learn more about Melissa, a referee who represents Singapore in Overseas...