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Dance Fitness for Seniors 1

Dancing regularly will help your elderly parent destress and maintain their strength and strong bones. Try it in this Dance Fitness session today!

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Fun Dance for Beginners, Seniors, & People w/ Disabilities

Age well with fitness into your silver years with this fun family dance workout that the wheelchair bound can participate in too!

Just Dance Lah!

Challenge yourself by dancing to the music for a full body workout!

Parent & Children Dance Workout

Parent and child can both get their fitness fix in through this fun dance workout routine!

Beginner Dance Conditioning Workout

If you're looking to pick up a new healthy habit, why not try dancing? Join Alvine in this beginner-level dance workout that focuses on your core and...

Libby's 360 Dance to Tone and Burn Fat Workout

How to dance to tone and burn fat? Join Libby in this 10 minutes dance workout that focuses on your upper body, core, and lower body!

Fitness Dance Under the Sea

Show off your inner mermaid as you (and your kids) dance to fitness with this video!

Tik Tok Dance & Dance Fitness

Tik Tok moves ain't just a fad! Dance your way to fitness with this routine of common dance steps from Tik Tok!

Tik Tok Dance Fitness

Let Coach Zhywee take you dancing over three songs as you sweat it out in this dance fitness session!

Get Fit With Dance!

Getting fit can be easy if you follow this dance workout routine! Learn the step touch, touch step, and step drag in this 10 minute video that...

Stretch Band Dance Workout

Stretching isn't all that a stretching band can do. Who knew? Relax your body with this dance infused stretch band workout!

Ball Game Dance Fitness Workout

Excited about the return of team sports? Get back into fitness with this easy ball game dance workout!

Comical Dance Workout

Who says dance has to be all about style and swagger? Keep it simple with this dance routine and work up a sweat at the same time!

Fun Family Dance Fitness

Make dancing a family affair with this fun family dance fitness routine today!

Upbeat Dance Workout Bollywood and Tradition Edition

Did you know that practicisng Indian Dance can give you a full body workout? Improve muscular resistance over time with this upbeat dance workout now!

BollyDazz Fitness VOD Dance Workout

Looking to lose weight, get in shape, and get cardiovascular benefits all within a short period of time? Try this BollyDazz fitness to strengthen...

Dance Fitness for Seniors 2

Dancing regularly will help your elderly parent improve their posture, muscle strength, balance and co-ordination. Get your dancing shoes on with...

Stay Healthy, Keep Fit

Stay healthy and keep fit with this upbeat Zumba Gold routine for a lower intensity full body workout!

Creative Dance Workout for Seniors (Mandarin)

Seniors, surprise your grandchildren by grooving to the catchy beat of KPop and get a fitness workout out of it with this video today!

The Workout Party

Working out doesn't have to be dry and stale. Try it out party style in this video today!