GetActive! Workout 2022: Dance Of The Nation (For Kids)
Choreographed to this year's National Day song, the GetActive! Workout: Dance Of The Nation is a workout for all ages. Dance along with your kids and have fun!
Song: Stronger Together
Music and lyrics: Don Richmond
Performed by: Taufik Batisah ft. The Island Voices
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Workout 2024: Dance of the Nation, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=!%20Dance%20of%20the%20Nation%202024.png, path=getActive-workout-2024-dance-of-the-nation-tutorial, episode_number=2, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Singapore: Dance of the Nation 2024 Tutorial, description=Get ready to move, Singapore! It's time to celebrate Singapore’s 59th birthday and dance our hearts out to the vibrant beats and colourful movements of Dance of the Nation 2024. Put on your sneakers and get your groove on with this year's dance choreographed to theme song 'Not Alone'. This year's moves are simple but enough to get your heart rates going. It's time to Play On, Play Together while celebrating National Day. Find out how you can be a part of the biggest sporting bash this National Day. Visit to find out more. #DOTN2024 #PlayOnPlayTogether #GetActiveSG #NDP2024 #SG59, id=13683269980, title=GetActive! Singapore: Dance of the Nation 2024 Tutorial, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=!%20Dance%20of%20the%20Nation%202024.png, path=getActive-workout-2024-dance-of-the-nation-kids-tutorial, episode_number=3, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Singapore 2024: Dance of the Nation 2024 Kids Tutorial, description=Get ready to move, Singapore! It's time to celebrate Singapore’s 59th birthday and dance our hearts out to the vibrant beats and colourful movements of Dance of the Nation 2024. This tutorial will help you and your kids dance your hearts out for this year's National Day celebrations to "Not Alone", this year's theme song. Put on your dancing shoes and it's time to Play On, Play Together. Find out how you can be a part of the biggest sporting bash this National Day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ▼ Visit to find out more. #DOTN2024 #PlayOnPlayTogether #GetActiveSG #NDP2024 #SG59, id=13683269982, title=GetActive! Singapore 2024: Dance of the Nation 2024 Kids Tutorial, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=!%20Dance%20of%20the%20Nation%202024.png, path=getActive-workout-2024-dance-of-the-nation-adapted-seated-tutorial, episode_number=4, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Singapore 2024: Dance of the Nation 2024 Adapted Seated Tutorial, description=Get ready to move, Singapore! It's time to celebrate Singapore’s 59th birthday and dance our hearts out to the vibrant beats and colourful movements of Dance of the Nation 2024. This adapted seated tutorial is made for to cater to your different physical needs. We' are all inclusive and want you to dance along with us this National Day to its theme song, 'Not Alone". Get ready and let's play on, play together. Find out how you can be a part of the biggest sporting bash this National Day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ▼ Visit to find out more. #DOTN2024 #PlayOnPlayTogether #GetActiveSG #NDP2024 #SG59, id=13682963815, title=GetActive! Singapore 2024: Dance of the Nation 2024 Adapted Seated Tutorial, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=!%20Dance%20of%20the%20Nation%202023.png, path=getActive-workout-2023-dance-of-the-nation, episode_number=5, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Singapore Workout 2023: Dance of the Nation, description=Get Active, Singapore! Get your groove on and dance with your family and friends to this year’s GetActive! Singapore Workout: Dance of the Nation! Choreographed to 2023’s National Day theme song ‘Shine Your Light’, this is a workout for everyone to Play On, Play Together and Celebrate National Day through sport! Find out how you can be a part of the biggest sporting bash this National Day. Visit to find out more. #PlayOnPlayTogether #GetActiveSG #NDP2023 #OnwardAsOneSG #UniteAsOneSG #DOTN23 Song: NDP 2023 Theme Song – Shine Your Light Music by Don Richmond Lyrics by Don Richmond and ShiGGa Shay Additional lyrics by Sara Wee Performed by 53A, The Island Voices, lewloh, Olivia Ong, ShiGGa Shay, Iman Fandi, Lineath Thank you to all our Contributors., id=13682963865, title=GetActive! Singapore Workout 2023: Dance of the Nation, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=, path=getactive-workout-2022-dance-of-the-nation-featuring-ndp-2022-theme-song-stronger-together, vidyard_id=, episode_number=6, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Workout 2022: Dance of the Nation featuring NDP 2022 Theme Song - Stronger Together, description=Song: Stronger Together Music and lyrics: Don Richmond Performed by: Taufik Batisah ft. The Island Voices This National Day, we bring Singaporeans closer together through sport and physical activity. Choreographed to this year's National Day song, the GetActive! Workout: Dance Of The Nation is a workout for all ages. Get your groove on and dance with your family and friends as we celebrate with GetActive! Workout: Dance Of The Nation!, id=5453084788, title=GetActive! Singapore, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=, path=getactive-workout-2022-dance-of-the-nation-for-kids, vidyard_id=, episode_number=7, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Workout 2022: Dance Of The Nation (For Kids), description=Choreographed to this year's National Day song, the GetActive! Workout: Dance Of The Nation is a workout for all ages. Dance along with your kids and have fun! Song: Stronger Together Music and lyrics: Don Richmond Performed by: Taufik Batisah ft. The Island Voices, id=5453084783, title=GetActive! Singapore, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=, path=getactive-workout-2022-dance-of-the-nation-short-version, vidyard_id=, episode_number=8, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Workout 2022: Dance of the Nation! (short version), description=396,293 views Jul 14, 2022 Song: Stronger Together Music and lyrics: Don Richmond Performed by: Taufik Batisah ft. The Island Voices Gather your family and friends and dance along to GetActive! Workout: Dance of the Nation!, id=5453084780, title=GetActive! Singapore, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=, path=getactive-workout-2022-dance-of-the-nation-for-instructors, vidyard_id=, episode_number=9, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Workout 2022: Dance Of The Nation (For Instructors), description=Choreographed to this year's National Day song, the GetActive! Workout: Dance Of The Nation is a workout for all ages. Use this tutorial version to watch and learn! Song: Stronger Together Music and lyrics: Don Richmond Performed by: Taufik Batisah ft. The Island Voices, id=5451609217, title=GetActive! Singapore, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=, path=getactive-workout-2022-dance-of-the-nation-seated-version, vidyard_id=, episode_number=10, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Workout 2022: Dance Of The Nation (Seated Version), description=Choreographed to this year's National Day song, the GetActive! Workout: Dance Of The Nation is a workout suitable for everyone, including a seated version. Song: Stronger Together Music and lyrics: Don Richmond Performed by: Taufik Batisah ft. The Island Voices, id=5451616388, title=GetActive! Singapore, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=, path=getactive-workout-2021-dance-of-the-nation-don-richmond-remix, vidyard_id=, episode_number=11, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Workout 2021: Dance of the Nation [Don Richmond Remix], description=This national day weekend, put on your dancing shoes and get grooving with friends and family as we wish Singapore a Happy 56th Birthday with the Dance of the Nation!, id=5452918885, title=GetActive! Singapore, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=, path=getactive-singapore-2021-dance-of-the-nation-tutorial, vidyard_id=, episode_number=12, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Singapore 2021 Dance of The Nation Tutorial, description=GetActive! Singapore 2021 Dance of The Nation Tutorial, id=5452918876, title=GetActive! Singapore, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=, path=national-day-themed-getactive-singapore-2020-workout-everything-i-am-don-richmond-remix, vidyard_id=, episode_number=13, other_video_link=, episode_title=National Day Themed GetActive! Singapore 2020 Workout: Everything I Am [Don Richmond Remix], description=The annual GetActive! Singapore workout is back! This National Day, join us in this fun workout suitable for anyone and everyone, as we live better through sport, by getting active and emerging Together A Stronger Singapore! We'd love to hear your feedback in this short survey: Thank you for your time!, id=5451616344, title=GetActive! Singapore, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=!%20Singapore%20Workout%202020%20with%20Team%20Nila.png, path=getactive-singapore-workout-2020-with-team-nila, vidyard_id=, episode_number=14, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Singapore Workout 2020 with Team Nila, description=Join volunteers from Team Nila in the 2020 GetActive! Singapore Workout from around the island, in a show of unity and resilience in what has been a difficult year shrouded in uncertainty. Together a stronger Singapore., id=5451616338, title=GetActive! Singapore, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=, path=getactive-singapore-national-day-workout-2020-tutorial-everything-i-am-don-richmond-remix, vidyard_id=, episode_number=15, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Singapore National Day Workout 2020 Tutorial: Everything I am (Don Richmond Remix), description=Tutorial video for National Day 2020 Get Active! Singapore Workout - with instructions for kids by Ira from ActiveSG., id=5453084791, title=GetActive! Singapore, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=!%20Dance%20of%20the%20Nation%202020.png, path=getactive-singapore-2020-dance-workout-tutorial-ndp-2020, vidyard_id=, episode_number=16, other_video_link=, episode_title=GetActive! Singapore 2020 Dance Workout Tutorial | NDP 2020, description=Having trouble following the steps to this year's GetActive! Singapore 2020 National Day Workout? Fret not. We break it down in this tutorial with Mike Yoong, Sarina Rahmat, Diyana Saleh, and Mohamed Noor Umar Siraj Sharbeeni. 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