Ep 6 - Muhd Farhan Ismail - Para Athlete - Ten Pin Bowling
Farhan is a ASEAN Para Games Ten Pin Bowling Gold Medalist. He shares with us about how he discovered bowling at the age of 13, and how the sport has given him direction and purpose, and with the love and support from his family and coaches, he continues to pursue his love for bowling.
{has_more=false, offset=8, total=8, results=[{video_thumbnail=https://6212555.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/6212555/Circle%20Watch/Series/DCG/We%20got%20Game%20Youth%20in%20Sports/1.jpg, path=we-got-game-episode-1-rushaimi-rifde-and-jasmine-chew-beyond-social-services-youth-leader-soccer-player-and-beyond-social-services-community-worker, vidyard_id=, episode_number=1, other_video_link=https://www.youtube.com/embed/5tJrkOeOI1s?list=PLacjonquV878bmTnzUx_2o0y189J99e6b, episode_title=Ep 1 - Rushaimi Rifde and Jasmine Chew - Beyond Social Services Youth Leader Soccer Player and Beyond Social Services Community Worker, description=Rushaimi is part of a youth led sports group called the Outdoor Adventure Club (ODAC). In 2019, the team has planned several sports events to create new bonds and relationships with the youths in the neighbourhood. They also hope that these groups of youths will join the ODAC team when they are older. They have planned and organised events like Hiking in the Southern Ridges, Night Cycling and Amazing Race. Rushaimi was the main IC for the amazing race planning in 2019. He wanted to do an amazing race because the previous amazing race was done for the youth leaders, hence he and his team wanted to do a similar amazing race to include more youths and to create more relationships with the youths. Through this ODAC team, he learnt skills such as planning, how to write a proposal and also how to lead a group. Rushaimi was also a sweeper during the night cycling event, ensuring that the youths are safe during the event. Some of the younger youths who are participants of these events are inspired to be like the older youths, planning their own activities in their own community., id=2947810391, title=We got Game - Youth in Sport, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=https://6212555.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/6212555/Circle%20Watch/Series/DCG/We%20got%20Game%20Youth%20in%20Sports/2.jpg, path=we-got-game-episode-2-jen-goh-national-golfer, vidyard_id=, episode_number=2, other_video_link=https://www.youtube.com/embed/dL9E60UPfgo?list=PLacjonquV878bmTnzUx_2o0y189J99e6b, episode_title=Ep 2 -Jen Goh - National Golfer, description=National player Jen Goh was on the way to becoming a golf pro when she found that she could no longer move herright arm. But after multiple doctor visits and surgery, the 25-year-old is back in the swing of things. Jen used her network in the sporting world to co-found LifeLab, which brings sports to youth-at-risk communities and aims to inspire and encourage these youths through sports., id=2947810393, title=We got Game - Youth in Sport, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=https://6212555.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/6212555/Circle%20Watch/Series/DCG/We%20got%20Game%20Youth%20in%20Sports/3.jpg, path=we-got-game-episode-3-toh-wei-soong-national-para-athlete-swimming, vidyard_id=, episode_number=3, other_video_link=https://www.youtube.com/embed/358bfo-Y4oA?list=PLacjonquV878bmTnzUx_2o0y189J99e6b, episode_title=Ep 3 - Toh Wei Soong - National Para Athlete - Swimming, description=Wei Soon was diagnosed with the rare condition of transverse myelitis at the age of two. Despite his disability, Wei Soong went to a regular school, where he was treated like everyone else. It was a big life lesson on the importance of equality, and instilled values in him that he applies both to sports and life beyond the pool. He also spends much of his time advocating for people with disabilities to corporations, encouraging them to see the benefits of hiring PWDs to their organisations., id=2947810396, title=We got Game - Youth in Sport, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=https://6212555.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/6212555/Circle%20Watch/Series/DCG/We%20got%20Game%20Youth%20in%20Sports/4.jpg, path=we-got-game-episode-4-abdul-thaslim-hajanajubudeen-sportcares-youth-instructor, vidyard_id=, episode_number=4, other_video_link=https://www.youtube.com/embed/lsWQgJE2pgU?list=PLacjonquV878bmTnzUx_2o0y189J99e6b, episode_title=Ep 4 - Abdul Thaslim Hajanajubudeen - SportCares Youth Instructor, description=Thaslim was a member of SportCares and has now chosen to become an instructor with them to give back to society. He works closely with Beyond Social Services to work with youth-at-risk to put together a program that brings the youth together through sports. He was also chosen to attend the Michael Johnson running academy in the U.S. where he is putting what he had learnt to his program., id=2948082310, title=We got Game - Youth in Sport, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=https://6212555.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/6212555/Circle%20Watch/Series/DCG/We%20got%20Game%20Youth%20in%20Sports/5.jpg, path=we-got-game-episode-5-hanisah-binte-mohammad-tahar-mr-mohammad-tahar-tennis-athlete-tennis-coach, vidyard_id=, episode_number=5, other_video_link=https://www.youtube.com/embed/T6JSMnrpVDs?list=PLacjonquV878bmTnzUx_2o0y189J99e6b, episode_title=Ep 5 - Hanisah Binte Mohammad Tahar & Mr Mohammad Tahar - Tennis Athlete & Tennis Coach, description=Hanisah has been playing tennis since she was 4 and is currently training to be in the national squad. Mr Mohammad Tahar has been a tennis player and a coach for over 23 years and now, is a coach with Active SG Tennis Academy and is also one of Hanisa’s coaches., id=2948082311, title=We got Game - Youth in Sport, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=https://6212555.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/6212555/Circle%20Watch/Series/DCG/We%20got%20Game%20Youth%20in%20Sports/6.jpg, path=we-got-game-episode-6-muhd-farhan-ismail-para-athlete-ten-pin-bowling, vidyard_id=, episode_number=6, other_video_link=https://www.youtube.com/embed/I79-yLfbl14?list=PLacjonquV878bmTnzUx_2o0y189J99e6b, episode_title=Ep 6 - Muhd Farhan Ismail - Para Athlete - Ten Pin Bowling, description=Farhan is a ASEAN Para Games Ten Pin Bowling Gold Medalist. He shares with us about how he discovered bowling at the age of 13, and how the sport has given him direction and purpose, and with the love and support from his family and coaches, he continues to pursue his love for bowling., id=2947810401, title=We got Game - Youth in Sport, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=https://6212555.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/6212555/Circle%20Watch/Series/DCG/We%20got%20Game%20Youth%20in%20Sports/7.jpg, path=we-got-game-episode-7-ryan-lee-sportcares-youth-instructor, vidyard_id=, episode_number=7, other_video_link=https://www.youtube.com/embed/EbKol7NDXcA?list=PLacjonquV878bmTnzUx_2o0y189J99e6b, episode_title=Ep 7 - Ryan Lee - SportCares Youth Instructor, description=Ryan joined SportCares when he was 13 years old. He tells us that sports is where he met some of his best friends and where he learned some of the most powerful lessons. Being an athlete taught him important qualities that he will be able to use for the rest of his life. He shares how sports made him who he is today by teaching him how to be a team player, how to cope with failure, and how to be self-confident., id=2947810402, title=We got Game - Youth in Sport, status=Publish}, {video_thumbnail=https://6212555.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/6212555/Circle%20Watch/Series/DCG/We%20got%20Game%20Youth%20in%20Sports/8.jpg, path=we-got-game-episode-8-joan-and-inez-hung-para-athletes-goalball, vidyard_id=, episode_number=8, other_video_link=https://www.youtube.com/embed/JG5YeX3uW-o?list=PLacjonquV878bmTnzUx_2o0y189J99e6b, episode_title=Ep 8 - Joan and Inez Hung - Para Athletes, Goalball, description=Joan and Inez Hung both have visual impairment, but that hasn't stopped them from becoming National Athletes. Through Goalball, a sport developed especially for the visually impaired, they have found an equaliser in the sporting field. They share with us their journey on how sports has changed their lives., id=2947810404, title=We got Game - Youth in Sport, status=Publish}]}
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